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Many clients have experienced the following results:
Improved Bone Density
Improved Posture
Improved Balance
Improved Athletic Performance
​Less Joint and Back Pain

Vibration Plate
warms up and activates all muscles and nerve cells in the body to prepare your body for the OsteoStrong session.
Upper Growth Trigger helps strengthen all the bones and muscles in your arms and chest.
Lower Growth Trigger helps strengthen all the bones and muscles from the hips to your toes.
Core Growth Trigger helps strengthen the core and the muscles and bones in the surrounding area including the pelvis and rib cage.
Postural Growth Trigger helps strengthen all the bones and muscles from the base of the skull to the tip of your toes. It improves posture and strengthens the bones in the spine.
What is OsteoStrong ?
A Unique System For Strengthening Bones, Joints and Muscles

OsteoStrong works for people of all ages and impacts the entire body in many ways using a process called Osteogenic Loading.
In just 10 minutes per week, you increase strength and bone density, improve posture, balance and athletic performance.

OsteoStrong impacts immunity through our technology, as well as our other modalities including PEMF and the BioCharger.
Sessions are quick, painless, sweat-free and results are measurable and happen quickly.

Science-backed. Research-driven.
Minimum effort. Maximum results.
What Modalities Do We Offer?
Cutting-edge modalities specifically focused on boosting immunity and overall vitality and well-being:​

OsteoStrong: Proprietary technology that strengthens bones, joints and muscles. Increases bone density, reduces joint & back pain.
Vibe Plate: Vibration therapy has incredible influence on muscle activation and hormonal health by moving your whole body naturally and efficiently. Optimize the time you have to get the results you want.

PEMF Mat: PEMF helps encourage and enhance healthy cell growth, restoring damaged tissues and benefitting the immune system and entire body.
BioCharger: The Biocharger helps optimize and improve health, wellness, and athletic performance while boosting immunity. There are many different settings to choose each week.

Compression Boots: Normatec compression boots helps with muscle recovery and the lymphatic system. It has been proven effective in reducing the stress hormone, which in turn helps boost the immune system.
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